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The Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council met via zoom last night to review and address issues related to unincorporated areas of the Morongo Basin. Reporter Heather Clisby has details…

Last night, members of the Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) gathered online to discuss issues facing the nine unincorporated areas in the region.

Captain Luke Niles of the Morongo Basin Sheriff’s station updated MAC members on the success of ‘Operation Hammer Strike’, a targeted effort by law enforcement to eradicate illegal marijuana grows in the county, now in its’ third week. Though the effort is county-wide, Niles stated there is one team dedicated only to the Morongo Basin.

Last week, the team served 36 search warrants; made 53 arrests; eradicated 158 greenhouses; and confiscated 30,000 plants, twelve firearms, and $40,000 in cash. The raids have resulted in the destruction of approximately $23 million dollars in product since the operation began. “We’re in a good place,” said Niles, “Heaven forbid we have to do this again next year.”

Questions were asked about post-raid clean-up of the sites. Niles stated that the officers cannot legally dismantle the operation and that it is handled by the county’s Land Use Services Department and Code Enforcement. The state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife is also involved to address any on-site chemicals that may harm the environment.

There was a brief discussion about returning to in-person meetings, but the decision to continue meeting online was unanimous.

After reports from all nine representatives, many thanked Mark Lundquist, also in attendance, for his six years of service as the Morongo Basin Field Representative to Third District County Supervisor Dawn Rowe. Steve Reyes will vacate his dual MAC positions as chairperson and Wonder Valley representative to take over Lundquist’s position.

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