Morongo Basin Healthcare District to host a free clinic event this Saturday (4/27)


The Morongo Basin Healthcare District is partnering with the Town of Yucca Valley to host a free Healthcare and Community Resource Fair! On Saturday, April 27, the District invites Morongo Basin residents to the Yucca Valley Community Center for the all-ages event, with resources provided by local and regional nonprofits.

Participants can visit the “Ask a Doctor” table for all their health questions and receive screenings for services such as learning their body mass index or blood pressure, glucose, and A1C testing. A dietician will conduct lectures on budget-conscious healthy eating and the County will provide free COVID vaccinations..

The event will also have a “Teen Zone” hosted by the Yucca Valley Youth Commission. There will be inflatable slides, obstacle courses, and free snow cones.

This free event will be held Saturday, April 27, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Yucca Valley Community Center. For more information, please visit

Lifestream will be holding a blood drive at this event. Healthy individuals at least 15 years of age may donate blood. (Everyone under 17 years of age must provide LifeStream with written parental consent.)

Donors receive a free mini-physical (including readings for blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol levels, iron level and temperature with results being posted on the donor’s private online portal.) Please set an appointment by calling LifeStream at 800-879-4484 or visiting

Z107.7’s own Cody Joseph will be broadcasting live from tomorrow’s event, so come by and say hello.

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