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Know your HIV Status to help prevent the spread and end the epidemic – MBHD

The Morongo Basin Healthcare district is working to do their part to end the HIV epidemic. Before the pandemic, the organization said that HIV infection numbers were dropping but now they are working on regaining that ground. They are teaming up with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to normalize HIV testing for all age groups.

Destigmatizing HIV testing by making it a routine test is one way to let more people know their HIV status – according to Marge Doyle from the Morongo Basin Healthcare District.

The sooner you know your status, the faster you can take action. If you don’t have HIV, you can choose prevention strategies that work for you. If you test positive, you can get on treatment. HIV treatment not only allows you access to a long, healthy life but also helps to prevent transmission of HIV to others.

Testing is fast, free, confidential, and can be done at home.

You can call for a FREE HIV Test Kit at 760-365-9192 – or visit the Morongo Basin Healthcare District’s website at www.mbhdistrict.org

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Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media. Over the years, he has worked in television news, documentary film, and advertising and marketing.…

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