Mojaveland mini golf pop-up returns this to Twentynine Palms this weekend, Feb. 11 – 12

Hi-desert mini golf is back with the Mojaveland mini-golf pop-up in Twentynine Palms this Saturday and Sunday from Noon to 4PM.

Bring the whole family – including the dog – to play a unique a round of putt-putt golf on a course designed by 13 different desert artists. The latest hole added to the course is “Windmill Thingamajig” by Yucca Valley artist Clark Hunter.

It’s not all serious golf business at Mojaveland – they’ll also have mural paintings for the kids, as well as sculpture and other artwork that gives Mojaveland that unique desert vibe that you can only get here in the Mojave desert.

Mojaveland will be at 5157 Adobe Road in 29 Palms this weekend – you can visit their website and Instagram to whet your putt-putt appetite.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.