Mil-Tree presents Mojave Noir on October 28 at Furstwurld

Mojave Noir is back this Halloween with some of the desert’s best crime and noir writers.

Mojave Noir is back with all-new desert crime writers at Furstwurld, 8528 Desert Shadows Road, Joshua Tree.

You won’t want to miss stories of crime and punishment by Andrew Miller, Rob Bowman, Bill Baber, and Susan Rukeyser, backed up with music from the Mystery Crime Jazz Quartet. The suggested donation is $10; everyone is welcome.

This event is always a blast. Please be vaccinated, and carpooling is encouraged.

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Hilary Sloane
After a long successful career as a Photostylist and producer in New York and Los Angeles, Hilary Sloane moved to the Morongo Basin and began a new career as a journalist and documentary photographer, getting a journalism certification from Michigan State. Hilary is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) and has documented the work of local and International non-profits. She has a podcast on Sound Cloud and is looking forward to adding more. Her favorite pastime is watching the wildlife around her home, traveling, and meeting new people.