MDLT Campfire Talk – short film screening, emergency prep, and S’Mores

The Mojave Desert Land Trust is teaming up with the San Bernardino Fire Department for an appropriately named Campfire Talk about fire safety and preparedness in the desert.

The talk is this Friday evening (Oct. 13) from 6 to 7PM, and will start with a screening of a short film by the Hispanic Access Foundation called “I am Cheo” – it explores environmental justice and wildfires through the eyes of a young Latino. Visitors can also learn about the country’s emergency preparedness app, and finish out the evening with the best thing you can make around a campfire: S’mores!

No RSVP is needed – the Campfire Talk is this Friday from 6 to 7PM at the MDLT Headquarters, just west of Joshua Tree on Highway 62.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.