May is Motorcycle Safety Month

Southern California is a motorcycle-enthusiast’s dream – with more rideable sunny days down here than almost anywhere else in the county. The hi desert can be extra active with moto-traffic, especially as spring has thawed out lots of motorcycle riders who were waiting out an especially wet winter.

Increased motorcycle traffic means an increased risk for both riders and autos, especially during busy weekends when car and pedestrian traffic can create ample distractions.

If you are a driver – keep your eyes on your mirrors, especially when changing lanes. Motorcyclists can legally lane split in California – that’s when a motorcycle uses the center line to move to the front of traffic at a stop light. The practice – if used responsibly – can help cars flow better and keep motorcyclists out of bumper-to-bumper traffic, where distractions can lead to accidents.

Always give a motorcycle plenty of room when following, and because motorcycles can be more difficult to spot in oncoming traffic, pay extra attention when making a turn that crosses opposing lanes. Small accidents between two cars usually results in an insurance claim, where a collision with a motorcyclist can have much more serious implications.

If you are a rider – remember to always keep your headlight on and gear up for the slide, not just the ride. The open desert can be tempting to want to twist your wrist and do the ton, but save risker riding for the track or closed areas without pedestrian traffic.

If you are riding offroad in the thousands of miles of beautiful OHV land, keep your head on a swivel and watch for other riders out there having just as much fun as you are.

Further Reading:

Johnson Valley OHV Riding Area

R.I.D.E. Right – California Motorcycle Safety Training Courses

California Highway Patrol – Lanesplitting and Motorcycle Safety

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.