Marines seeking comments on Johnson Valley Shared Use Area

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If you are one of the thousands locals who enjoys the wide open variety of desert dunes, dry lakes and trails available to us at the Johnson Valley Shared Use Area – there are some neighbors who want to hear your comments on the management of the area. The Marine Corp Air Ground Combat Center shares a border with the BLM land and throughout the year – uses the area for training, and they want to hear from you about how its all being managed.

If you have comments pertaining to the management of the Johnson Valley Shared Use area – the combat center will be officially accepting them until December 9th – to submit your comments email [email protected] and please include “RMG Annual Comments” in the subject line.

For a map of the area, along with more information on the Johnson Valley Shared Use area and the Combat Center – visit this link:

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.