Managing cultural resources in the Mojave Preserve – Old Schoolhouse Museum talk on Jan. 13


If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to manage the cultural and historical resources in one of our many national parks and preserves, the Old Schoolhouse Museum will be hosting a talk and presentation by Los Angeles native David Nichols.  Nichols has been working in the field of archaeology since 1990 and has been spending the second half of his career in projects covering all of California, including working in the Mojave National Preserve for the past 22 years.

The presentation and talk takes place Friday, January 13th at 7pm. The presentation will discuss managing natural and cultural resources in the preserve – and its sponsored by the Desert Institute at Joshua Tree national Park and the 29 Palms historical society.

The cost is $5 at the door, and will be at the Old Schoolhouse Museum at 6760 National Park.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.