The Copper Mountain College HOWL writing workshop continues this Friday, March 24th with local author Ruth Nolan facilitating the class.

Local author Ruth Nolan will be leading the HOWL writing workshop this Friday on the CMC campus in room 101 from 2 to 4pm.
Ruth Nolan is a professor of English and creative writing at College of the Desert and has been named Mojave Desert Literary Laureate. She’s the author of poetry book After the Dome Fire, editor of No Place for a Puritan: The Literature of California’s Deserts (Heyday Books) and curator of the humanities project Fire on the Mojave: Stories from the Deserts and Mountains of Inland Southern California, based in part on her experiences fighting wildfire for the U.S. Forest Service and BLM CA Desert District.
Nolan’s workshop will be part of a continuum of the Writing Your Inner Deserts (c.) experiential workshop series she’s been curating in rural desert hotspots across the Mojave Desert since 2006. Nolan will be jump-starting on-the-spot and in-the-desert-moment immersive writing and sharing: prose bits, poetic gestures and free form musings by dropping desert-centric writing prompts designed to engage all writer participants in multi-visceral ways.
Nolan says, “My intent is to foster an inclusive and inspired space where each participant can explore and connect with their inner desert through the act of writing.”