Live From Joshua Tree sees local notables speak for a good cause

Tonight is Live From Joshua Tree, the popular annual spoken word event to benefit Mil-Tree, the local veteran non-profit outreach that heals the wounds of war through creative expression and community building through veterans and civilians.

The event, curated and hosted by Mil-Tree founder Cheryl Montelle, is an entertaining community celebration with desert stories, songs and poetry. Tonight’s line up of speakers/performers includes veteran writers Nadia Clark and Omar Columbus; Rainbow Stew’s Valerie Eagle Heart Meyer; artists Glen Harris, Gillian Keller, and Snake Jagger; GRND SQRL owner Mike Usher, Hi-Desert Times owner Liz Lapp, and local musicians Nigel Roman and Rosa Pullman

There will be food, a no host bar, DJ Kim Faith Green and so much more. For tickets, visit

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.