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List of Hi Desert Trunk or Treats

Although we have pretty distinct neighborhoods here in the hi desert, old fashioned trick or treating isn’t always guaranteed here.

COVID put a dent in door-to-door candy solicitation, and to put it plainly: neighborhoods don’t have as many full-time residents as they used to.

Trunk or treats have quickly become the norm for kids to get candy while in costume, and there are plenty of possibilities for sweet-toothed sugar seekers as we come up on the Halloween weekend.

We’ve compiled a list of Trunk or Treats happenings around the Morongo Basin – starting on Friday and going through to Halloween night on Tuesday. Just head to, or click on the little pumpkin at the top menu.

If you do head out into your neighborhood on Halloween night to spread the spooky spirit and do some traditional trick or treating, be safe and drive extra slow and with your head on a swivel – desert ghosts and ghoulies can be hard to see in the dead of night.

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Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media. Over the years, he has worked in television news, documentary film, and advertising and marketing.…

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