Last Total Lunar Eclipse starts tonight (11/7) at Midnight – Catch the Blood Moon


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Reporting by Robert Haydon

Rain may be on the horizon  but if you are up late tonight and the skies are clear near midnight – you’ll be able to see the last total lunar eclipse until 2024.

The full moon will start to rise near sunset tonight – and around midnight the earth’s shadow will begin touching the moon’s face – and by 3AM the moon will be at maximum eclipse. If the clear skies permit, you should see a red “blood moon” as the earth’s shadow eclipses the light reflecting off the lunar surface.

We’re extra lucky in the Morongo Basin with our dark desert skies – and the eclipsed moon will be hanging in the NE skies with the Pleiades star cluster and an extra bright Mars. You can see this story at for links on where to find all the celestial wonders tonight – if weather allows.


Where to see the lunar eclipse, Mars, and more in Southern California

NASA: What You Need to know about the Lunar Eclipse