Landers Homestead Valley Association meeting recap for 1/13

If you discovered a drone flying over your property around July of last year, it was likely flown by a company called Tallon, which is not affiliated with southern California Edison, yet was supposedly inspecting electric power poles and lines. However, when the drones were found looking in through bedroom and bathroom windows, several complaints were filed. Shooting at drones is an FAA felony as drones are considered to be aircraft, so your only recourse is to video the drone and file a complaint with the sheriff’s department.

Officer Tyler Vanguard from the Morongo Basin Sheriff’s department addressed matters of law and order such as squatters, dope, theft and dumping. His constant advice was to pay attention, take video of individuals and very important: vehicles; notice things like height, stature, hair and eye color so when you call for help all details will be available for the responding officer.

Glen Harris, Field representative to County Supervisor Dawn Rowe, urged us to prepare for disasters and gave us several useful websites to check out like and Pioneer Town will host a fire preparedness session at the Firehouse on January 27 from 5.30pm.

There will be a “Point in Time” homeless count on January 23 from 7:00 a.m. and participants will meet at the Government building on White Feather Road.

Discounted tickets for King of the Hammers are being sold next door to Hero’s Market.Tickets go for $38 of which the Landers Homestead Valley Association will receive $25 per ticket sold.

The next USDA food distribution will be on February 10 at Belfield Hall from 8:30 a.m. -10:30 a.m.

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