Kids can ride Basin Transit for free starting in July


Here’s some good news for kids and parents in the Morongo Unified School District who rely on our public transit to get around the desert – Basin Transit has announced that students will be able to ride the bus for free starting in July of this year and lasting all the way until June of 2025.

Made possible through a grant from the Low Carbon Transit Operations Program – Basin Transit says that all students K-12 in the MUSD can flash their student or government issued ID to the bus driver and ride anywhere that Basin transit serves.

Basin Transit offers six local fixed-route bus services and two commuter fixed-route bus services connecting riders to Palm Springs. They also offer an on-demand origin-to-destination service known as Ready Ride, which is primarily a paratransit service for individuals who live with disabilities –  but it also serves the public who don’t have access to the fixed route system.

The grant that is providing the funds for the program was created to provide operating and financial assistance for transit agencies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve mobility for California residents – with a priority on serving disadvantaged communities.

The free fairs for students starts in July – you can find your closest bus stop, see the routes that Basin Transit runs and learn more about fares and their ready ride program by visiting their website:

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.