Last season’s smash hit summer theatre series – the Joshua Tree Summer Theatre Under the Stars – returns for a second season running July 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 on August 5th ,6th and 7th with showtimes at 8:15pm.
Played under the canopy of Joshua Tree’s wondrous night skies, director Howard Shangraw brings “Tonight in Spoon River” to life with a talented cast of nine actors portraying over 65 characters, including: Abe Daniels, Dawn Davis, Shannon Mary Dixon, Kevin Hayles, Morgan Phoenix, Larry Scarano, Kurt Schauppner, Jesse Sheckler, and Shelly Sheckler.
Adapted by Shangraw from Edgar Lee Master’s 1915 work “Spoon River Anthology”, The stories from the lives of the long dead denizens of the fictional town, Spoon River, come alive with music from the American Folk Tune song book, which is brilliantly arranged by Steve Caron and recorded by Steve and Nelms McKelvain.
“Tonight in Spoon River” takes you on a journey down the river that goes past the happiest parts of life as well as the most poignant parts of life. Rising from the dead to greet us, the dearly departed share their stories hoping, perhaps, to find forgiveness, redemption, understanding, or just to rejoice in who they were.
For further details and for tickets, go to or call 626-233-4768.
Reporting for Z107.7, this is arts & entertainment reporter Charlie Thomas.