Joshua Tree protected status remains unchanged; Vote pushed until 2023

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The status of the western Joshua tree on California’s threatened species list remains unchanged. At yesterday morning’s (October 12, 2022) meeting of the California Fish and Game Commission in the Lake Tahoe area any decision on the permanent listing of the tree was continued to February 23.

The unanimous decision to delay a vote on listing the western Joshua tree on the state’s threatened species list came about to allow additional input from tribal nations within the tree’s natural range and also in consideration of the newest member of the Fish and Game Commission, Anthony C. Williams.

Williams is public policy director for Amazon in California and previously served on the Commission in 2014 as an appointee of Governor Jerry Brown. Governor Newsom appointed Williams to the commission only a week ago, far insufficient considering the volume of background material related to the western Joshua tree.

Williams’ vote will be critical in light of a tied two/two vote held at the June meeting. In justifying the decision to continue the matter, Williams said he would appreciate more time and added,

“I wouldn’t be comfortable today supporting listing.”

Those in favor of protecting the tree hope that Williams will change his mind between now and February.

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