Joshua Tree performance benefits unhoused children in Morongo Basin

In recent years inflation, a shrinking rental market, and a growing population have led to a sharp increase in the number of homeless or unhoused children in Morongo Basin, some estimates put the number as high as 700 children. And while long-term solutions are needed, there is also an urgency for immediate aid.

Furstwurld performance and event space in Joshua Tree will host a special benefit with live performances, internet streaming, a Zoom-a-thon, and prize giveaways this Wednesday from 2 to 10 p.m. Organized by local performer and producer Robbi Robb in conjunction with the Morongo Basin Conservation Association, the event aims to raise funds for temporary housing and living expenses. Monies raised will be distributed through the Morongo Unified School District’s homeless liaison, Wayne Hamilton.

Prize giveaways include tickets to the Integratron and Joshua Tree Music Festival, art from Kelly Witmer, Pottery of Pioneertown, and license tag art from Route 62 Art & Antiques, and gifts from local establishments such as Desert Rose, Hey There!, The Dez and Roadrunner Grab + Go in Joshua Tree. The performance lineup includes some of the Basin’s best music makers, dancers, and comedians, plus short films, and expert presentations on local unhoused children. Tickets to the live event are $20; online streaming is free.

Links to the stream ( and for making an online donation ( For more information about the event, email [email protected]

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