Joshua Tree National Park will be closed over the weekend due to Hurricane Hilary

According to a press release from the National Park Service, a Flash Flood Watch has been issued for Joshua Tree National Park starting tomorrow, August 19th at 11 am until August 21st at 5 pm due to Hurricane Hilary. The park is expected to receive severe rainfall and flash flooding.

Park management will be initiating a full closure of the park over the next 36 hours.

Park staff will continue to monitor the park and assess conditions as needed. Visitors are encouraged to seek shelter and have a safety plan.  

The southeast California region could experience heavy rainfall and potential heavy flooding. Reconsider outdoor activities for this weekend, be prepared to turn around if you experience moving water on roadways and be alert for lightning. 

For more information about current road conditions in Joshua Tree, please visit

Z107.7 will keep you updated online and over-the-air on this weekend’s weather and road closures as Hurricane Hilary hits the coast and brings rain into the hi-desert.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.