Joshua Tree and other unincorporated areas trash fees going up

At tomorrow’s (December 13, 2022) 10 a.m. of County Supervisors in San Bernardino, the board is expected to approve new trash pickup and landfill fee schedules for the county’s unincorporated areas. Reporter Mike Lipsitz is here with more information…

Toward the end of tomorrow’s long agenda, county supervisors will conduct a public hearing on proposed increases to waste management fees at county landfills. The increases reflect cost of living adjustments and higher costs associated with new state requirements including organics reduction and recycling targets, methane emissions reduction and capture. The new rates are expected to go into effect July 1, 2023.

Tomorrow’s meeting will be live-streamed to the video conferencing facility at the Bob Burke Government Center in Joshua Tree where the public may attend and comment.

The following applies to meetings:
(1) The public may view the Board Meeting live stream at;

(2) If you wish to submit a comment for a specific agenda item or a general public comment prior to the Board meeting, send comments via U.S. Mail*, email at [email protected] or online at

Comments received prior to the start of the meeting will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for review; anyone interested in observing or or addressing the Board during a meeting by interactive video may do so at the Bob Burke Joshua Tree Government Center, 63665 Twentynine Palms Highway, in Joshua Tree.

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