Jardine Libraire book release for “You’re an Animal” tonight

The author of novels like Here Kitty Kitty and White Fur, Libaire is an award-winning writer previously based in Texas, now in Joshua Tree. Her new novel “You’re an Animal” is “a tender portrait of four misfits, on the run across Texas, that speaks to those who are left out, those who opt out—and to the wild animal in us all.”

Libaire’s book launch is from 6-8pm with food, drinks, and music. Libaire will be signing copies of “You’re an Animal” available for purchase.

All are welcome tonight at Desert General, located at 73552 Twentynine Palms Hwy in 29 Palms, in the Corner 62 Complex

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.