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On July 25th, School Bus driver David White had just picked up a group of students at the 29 Palms Jr. High campus where they were finishing up summer school. The bus had just left the parking lot when White heard a commotion behind him – one of the students had stood up and moved toward the front of the bus, and that’s when he heard someone say “he’s choking.” With the bus already in motion, David says he started to pull the bus over to assist the student. But by the time he had safely stopped the bus, someone else had already stepped in and performed the Heimlich maneuver 3 times – dislodging the food that the student was choking on.

After the driver checked over the student who had been choking, he asked the students who had performed the life-saving maneuver. Everyone on the bus pointed at 11th Grader Eric Martinez, who had already taken his seat and was back scrolling through his phone.

The busdriver said he was impressed with Eric Martinez’s quick action and humility following the incident – noting that Martinez only reacted with a slight smile after being recognized and just seemed happy to have helped.

If you want to be more like Eric Martinez and be prepared to help others in emergency first aid situations, you can easily learn the heimlich online – or visit the red cross for first aid classes which includes what to do when someone is choking.

As for Eric Martinez and the student he saved? Busdriver David White says they got off at their regular stops like normal – even if the bus ride itself wasn’t – and he wanted to reiterate that the quick response by Eric Martinez in saving the other student reflects what an “overall great kid” he is.

After the incident, Twentynine Palms High School Assistant Principal Dustin Howard spoke directly to the student providing positive kudos for his actions. He also called home to notify his parents of his good deed. He then provided a note and gift card to the student to the restaurant of his choice.


Red Cross First Aid Classes: https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class

Red Cross: Conscious Choking: https://www.redcross.org/content/dam/redcross/atg/PDF_s/ConsciousChokingPoster_EN.pdf

Robert Haydon

Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media. Over the years, he has worked in television news, documentary film, and advertising and marketing. He likes to go fast on old, slow motorcycles - avoiding the bunnies while enjoying the wild and unique Mojave desert.

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Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media. Over the years, he has worked in television news, documentary film, and advertising and marketing.…

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