Hi-Desert Water and Joshua Basin Water District meeting times and agendas

The Hi-Desert Water District will convene for the water agency’s regularly scheduled 4 p.m. meeting later today (September 21, 2022). And down the highway in Joshua Tree the Joshua Basin Water District’s regular meeting begins promptly at 5:30 p.m.

Following the dispatch of routine items on the consent agenda, directors at the Hi-Desert Water District will hear from staff who want board approval to spend a quarter-million dollars to make repairs on well 9W. And among the items of business in Joshua Tree, the board will consider updates to the administration code.

To join the Hi-Desert Water District meeting via Zoom follow the link below:


Meeting ID: 831 2423 0952

Passcode: 867961Or by phone+1 669 444 9171

To join the Joshua Basin Water District meeting via Zoom follow the link below


Or you may join by phone at 1-253-215-8782,

Meeting ID: 815 1899 3014 Passcode: 736536

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