Hay Festival in Joshua Tree, Tamalada and Music Sunday 11/13

The Hay Festival is happening right now at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center – with film screenings, music, dance and food events that celebrate Aztlan culture. On yesterday’s Morning Show with Cody and Jef – Tamale expert Ray Rodriguez joined the hosts to talk about the Tamalada that’s taking place on Sunday at the Food for Thought Café in the retreat center.

“What we’re going to create a the two most popular Tamales really kind of worldwide which are Tamales of chicken and tamales of pork. We’ll make them until we run out of Masa and filling but I told our Chef to prepare for 320 because we’re trying to limit it to 50 people, and I’d like everybody leave with a dozen tamales.”

$15 gets you into the Tamalada where you’ll learn to make the delicious dish all while listening to live traditional Aztlan music. The Tamalada will start cooking at 3pm on Sunday at the Hay Festival at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center.


Hay Festival at Joshua Tree Retreat Center

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.