Gorke and Tolbert hold ad hoc MVCSD Community Relations meeting tonight

Tonight’s Morongo Valley CSD meeting has been canceled, but something else will take its place.

The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors canceled their regularly scheduled meeting for tonight, making this the third cancellation in three months, and potentially placing the Board, and the District itself, in legal peril for failing to meet.

In place of the regularly scheduled meeting, two board Directors, Chrisina Gorke and Johnnie Tolbert, will be holding an ad hoc meeting of the Board’s Community Relations Committee. The Committee is expected to provide an update regarding the status of the Morongo Valley CSD and answer questions from the community.

The meeting starts tonight (June 21) at 6 p.m. at the Covington Park Community Center

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.