Free Native Plant Cuttings and Propagation class Tuesday (10/18)

Volunteers from the Morongo Basin community train as Docents to give tours of the Water Wise Demonstration Garden, teaching the value of using native and low water use plants to landscape at home. Not only does this reduce the expense of water use but it saves homeowners time with gardening upkeep common with traditional landscapes. Courtesy photo

Joshua Basin Water District is offering an online class on native plant propagation – taught by Tony Walters from the Mojave Desert Regional Conservation District. The class will teach you how to safely and successfully take cuttings from native southern California plants to create your own water-wise gardens – so you don’t have to slowly raise your garden from seeds. The techniques taught can be used on many different types of plants.

To register, email [email protected] with your name, email, and phone number.


DATE: October 18, 2022 (Tuesday) Time: 6PM-8PM
LOCATION: Virtual (ZOOM) RSVP by Oct. 17, 2022 to:
[email protected] (please provide your email, name, and phone number)