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Former Yucca Valley Travelodge renamed “Field Station Joshua Tree,” exterior color change delayed

The former Travelodge at the west end entrance of Yucca Valley has been renamed “Field Station Joshua Tree” and has applied for a color change request at last night’s Planning Commission in Yucca Valley. Also on the agenda was a exterior color changes and improvements for La Casa Del Tequila. Both could be characterized as routine change requests for developing businesses – however Field Station Joshua Tree’s application only included one exterior perspective view of the revamped property, while La Casa Del Tequila’s application appeared much more complete with multiple exterior views of the planned changes.

Commissioners pointed out that Field Station Joshua Tree’s application was lacking these additional views, which the General Contractor for the project pointed out via Zoom was done to expedite the application process for the “busy tourist season.” 

That didn’t fly with the commission, who said that everyone should be held to the same standard and voted to continue the application until the next Town Council meeting, meaning the approval will have to wait another 30 days while they gather the rest of the required information.

La Casa Del Tequila’s application was swiftly approved.

In the land development report – projects such as Nice Dreams Ice, Evoke Modern and a Fiveplex on Palo Alto are moving along, while an early pre-application for an RV and Semi fueling station off Avalon and HWy 62 got some movement from the developers.

The Aquatics center is also out to bid for a second time and being aggressively marketed in the construction world, according to Deputy Town Manager Shane Stueckle.

Yucca Valley Planning Commission Agenda for 1/23 (including applications)

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Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media. Over the years, he has worked in television news, documentary film, and advertising and marketing.…

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