Flamingo 640 Glamping Resort on San Bernardino County BOS meeting agenda Tuesday (12/19)

The very last item among the many to be considered at tomorrow’s (December 19, 2023) 10 o’clock meeting of county supervisors in San Bernardino, is a public hearing on Flamingo Heights 640, the controversial glamping resort proposed along pristine Pipes Wash on the east of State Route 247. The proposed development comes before the board of supervisors on appeal after the planning commission failed to bring it to a vote last March.

Tomorrow, the developer, RoBott Land Company, will appeal the original proposal for 75 campsites, a camping store, restaurant, bar, restrooms, a pool, workshop buildings, common area gardens, paths and a helipad on a 25-acre portion of a 640-acre parcel zoned RL or Rural Living. Following a presentation by the developer and County Land Use Services, the board will hear public comment on the matter after which supervisors may approve the proposal, deny it, approve it with changes, or continue any decision until a later date.

Opposition to the project has focused on attempts to characterize it as a campground, allowable under RL zoning, rather than a resort, which would require special permitting. A number of questionable recent proposals have attempted to win approval under the “campground” label. Opposition surrounding increased traffic, noise, and light pollution, and threats to endangered wildlife have also been voiced.

While some area residents will carpool to San Bernardino to offer their three minutes of testimony to the board, others will gather at the Bob Burke Government Center in Joshua Tree where the meeting will be live-streamed and public comment may be made via live video feed.

Stay tuned to Z107.7 News for continuing coverage of the board of supervisors on this and other “hot button” issues.

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