Election Day for Morongo Valley Dog Mayor This Weekend

The margins on the mayoral race for Morongo Valley’s first dog mayor have burst wide open. When first announced back in September, Z1077 reported only two dogs entering the race; back when Roxy, the dog owned by event organizer Allison Nikyar was only up against one other local dog, Dazy Gilmond.

Now, a month later with an impressive twelve dogs registered to run for mayor, it could be any dog’s day this Saturday when Fire Chief James Brakebill will announce the winner at 5pm during the Halloween Extravaganza in Covington Park.

In the meantime, voting is open from 10am until 4:30pm on Saturday in Covington Park, only for Morongo residents.

Dog Candidates are as follows:

  • Eleanor “Ella” Jane
  • Smash
  • Roxy
  • Tinker Bell
  • Sweetie Girl
  • Fred Mertz
  • Nova Ann
  • Picco
  • Dazy Gilmond
  • Ruby-Girl
  • Buddy Boy
  • Brody
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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.