Desert Split Open reading series hosts award-winning crime-fiction author Ivy Pochoda tonight (8/3)

This Saturday, The Desert Split Open reading series welcomes award-winning crime-fiction author Ivy Pochoda for a discussion and live reading from her new Audible book Jackrabbit Skin.

Jackrabbit Skin is set in a fictionalized town deep in the desert past Twentynine Palms. The main character, Swan, is a tattoo artist just arriving to the community, when a mourning desert dweller named Kurt requests a tribute tattoo to his dead wife. Swan agrees, but the locals warn her: don’t indulge Kurt in his tragic memories. No wonder. As Kurt returns for more tattoos, the truth about his wife’s death begins to emerge in the ink. And it isn’t pretty.

Pochoda is the author of the critically acclaimed novels Wonder ValleyVisitation StreetThese Women, which was a New York Times best thriller of 2020, and Sing Her Down, which just won an LA Times Book Prize. For many years, Pochoda taught creative writing at Studio 526 in Los Angeles’s Skid Row. She is a professor of creative writing in the low-residency MFA program at University of California Riverside, Palm Desert.

The Desert Split Open featuring Ivy Pochoda starts at 6PM this Saturday at Joshua Tree’s Beatnik Lounge, admission is free. 

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.