With multiple items added to the initially short agenda, the meeting began with a visit from Justin Merino of the Inland Empire Fire Safe Alliance, who presented Morongo Valley Fire Department and Fire Chief McEachen respective awards “in appreciation of the continued support of fire safe councils and fire prevention efforts in the Inland Empire.”
Merino also came with a proposal for the CSD: with the help of various grants, Merino wants to set up a Desert Region Fire Safe Council office for Morongo Valley in Fire Station #2 at Bella Vista, currently vacant and in disrepair. With Morongo Valley being among the highest fire risk areas in the basin (along with Pioneertown), Merino says it would be in the council’s best interest to have a closer office than their site in Yucca Valley. With the issue of repairs needed to Station #2, Merino says they aim to secure the California State Non-Profit Security Grant for Facility Enhancement to address the issue should the CSD give the green light to the proposal.

The 2024 Chuck Osborne Award was given to Tammy Stogner of the Morongo Valley Youth Softball League for her outstanding volunteer work. Stogner thanked the board and added “how proud (she is) to work with the community.”For the impending budget workshop meeting, the board decided on a special meeting on April 9th.
The board also approved the acquisition of a wood chipper for Covington Park, to be used to turn fallen trees into mulch to be recycled back into the public space.
Volunteer Buddy Stogner confirmed that he assessed the machine’s working order, and the board voted to transfer the bill of sale from Richard Brewer of the Fire Safe Council, who is donating it to the CSD.