Danielle Wall gives a primer on high desert rattlesnakes on last week’s Up-Close Show

On last week’s “Up Close Show,” Gary Daigneault had a conversation with Danielle Wall, an animal rescuer and reptile relocator who lives and works in the high desert. Wall is known for coming out to properties throughout the Morongo Basin and removing rattlesnakes relocating creatures to appropriate habitats for the last five years.

Wall was asked about ways high desert households can protect themselves from rattlesnakes, and she stressed the importance of proper snake fencing, saying

I go on a lot of calls, and I will see some pretty bad, bad snake fencing. The intention is there, but with rattlesnake fencing, and I say rattlesnake fencing because a gopher snake will still be able to climb this, a rattlesnake won’t, if you don’t do it completely perfectly there can’t be one little gap, in that snake fencing, it’s gotta be trenched down and three feet up at least. If you have ten percent not done, that rattlesnake just came in through that ten percent and now cannot get out of that 90% that’s finished. And you essentially have a snake trap.

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