County expected to approve increase to FP-5 fire tax

In San Bernardino, tomorrow (July 23, 2024) County Supervisors hold their regular twice-monthly meeting at 10 o’clock.  Among other actions, the five-member board is expected to approve an increase in the unpopular FP-5 fire tax.

Count on County Supervisors to approve a $5.16 increase in the special fire tax for 2024-25 raising it to $177.01 per parcel.  In other business, the Morongo Basin Sheriff Station will accept two donated Polaris Pro off-highway vehicles, one from Twentynine Palms the other from Yucca Valley; total value $90,000.

More details and information on how you can participate in tomorrow’s meeting can be found on the Board of Supervisors’ agenda which you can access from this link:

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