Copper Mountain College Board appoints new trustee to vacant seat


Yesterday, the Copper Mountain College Board of Trustees held a special meeting at 1pm at The Bell Center Community Room to provisionally appoint a trustee to the vacant Area 5 seat.

With two candidates to choose from, the CMC Board of Trustees gave Cecelia Y. Evans and Jerold Garber 5 minutes each to introduce themselves and give a brief overview of their qualifications to serve at the Board, followed by an interview in which Board members asked them a series of questions; ranging from what they feel they could bring to the Board based on their aforementioned qualifications, and what pitfalls they’d want to avoid as a Board member.

After the nominations were voiced, which one Board member cited as a “difficult choice,” Board members elected Jerold Garber 3-1for the provisional appointment trustee for Area 5. Garber said, “I’m happy to join the board, and I’m looking forward to learning what is necessary to be an effective board member.”

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.