Community generosity in action: Reach Out Morongo Basin provides 200 food boxes to those in need

Volunteers handing out boxes for Reach Out Morongo Basin

Executive Director Robin Schlosser and volunteers arrived at the Twentynine Palms Senior Center, where Reach Out Morongo has an office, early last Friday to ensure the boxes were complete with the food items designated for this month’s giveaway. By 8:00 a.m., people in cars were already in a line that extended out of the parking lot and down the block. Volunteers bought and boxed the food the day before. By the time people arrived, everything was ready for them. 

Schlosser said, “This particular food distribution we’re doing is through a Community Development Block Grant and Cares Act funding, which we received from the city of Twentynine Palms.” 

Executive Director of Reach Out Morongo Basin, Robin Schlosser
Photo: Hilary Sloane

Each distribution costs about 12,000 dollars and covers 200 boxes. Anyone in need is welcome to drive up on the day of the food giveaway. The only thing needed is a driver’s license. One box is for each car unless there is a particular need.

Reach Out Morongo will hold three more distributions with the help of additional funding. Each box contains the making for three meals and some little treats. The food giveaway is once a month; check the website for scheduling.

Each box contains enough food to make about three meals. The boxes contain cereal, juice, pasta, canned goods, fruits, and vegetables. Last month, they gave whole chickens. This month, they gave three pounds of hamburger meat so the families could make chili or spaghetti and Hamburger Helper, which were included in these boxes.

Nancy Schneider, a grandmother from Twentynine Palms, shared her experience on the food line at the Senior Center. “Last month, we were pleasantly surprised with a whole chicken, some cereals and pudding, some rice, and some Pop-Tarts. It’s different every month, and the quality is always top-notch. It’s enough to last us because there are only two of us, me and my younger daughter, at home, so that is good for a couple of weeks.”

Reach Out Morongo also partners with the Twentynine Palms Community Food Pantry and food bank to provide a community supplemental food program for seniors 60 and over at the Senior Center. People are welcome to a drive-through distribution, or for those who are homebound, volunteers will deliver the boxes to them at their homes. Reach Out Morongo provides about 40 to 50 boxes to shut-in seniors monthly. 

Reach Out Morongo also provides prevention programs, where volunteers help with grab bars and wheelchair ramps. Volunteers also do yard work and housework, personal business assistance, Family Caregiver Support links, and transportation programs, where they take people to doctor’s appointments or grocery shopping.

To volunteer or donate, go to

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Hilary Sloane
After a long successful career as a Photostylist and producer in New York and Los Angeles, Hilary Sloane moved to the Morongo Basin and began a new career as a journalist and documentary photographer, getting a journalism certification from Michigan State. Hilary is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) and has documented the work of local and International non-profits. She has a podcast on Sound Cloud and is looking forward to adding more. Her favorite pastime is watching the wildlife around her home, traveling, and meeting new people.