A candlelight vigil for Joshua Barreras is planned for this Sunday at 6PM in Yucca Valley, according to friends and family members. Josh was 16 years old when he was struck by a vehicle on the night of Friday January 26th. The driver fled the scene, leaving the teenage victim in the middle of Twentynine Palms Highway near Avalon Ave. Joshua Barreras died later that night at the hospital.
The driver suspected of hitting and leaving the teen for dead is Troy Reynolds, a 57 year old Yucca Valley resident. Reynolds “turned himself in” at an arraignment on Tuesday, February 27th – a full month after the victim was found in the road. His attorney entered a “not guilty” plea and asked for the suspect to be released on his own recognizance without bail, a request that was denied by presiding Judge Sara Oliver.
Judge Oliver also denied the recommended bail of $75,000, citing the suspect’s lack of action in taking potential life-saving measures by stopping and checking on the child after he was allegedly struck by Reynolds’ truck, alongside suspected efforts by Reynolds to conceal his involvement in the hit and run by taking his truck to a body shop outside the county. Bail was set at $500,000 which was met later that evening on Reynolds’ release.
If you’d like to participate in the candlelight vigil for the Yucca Valley teenager, a memorial cross has been erected near the site where Joshua was struck. Organizers of the vigil say to turn north onto Avalon Ave. off Highway 62 and then onto Paxton near the dirt lot and behind Josh’s cross.

Previously Reported: