CalTrans announces safety updates coming to Old Woman Springs Road

CalTrans announced this week that a number of safety measures are coming to State Route 247.

November saw two separate car crashes take the lives of four adults and an unborn child along Old Woman Springs Road or State Route 247 in Landers. Illegal passing was a contributing factor in these incidents and many others. The tragedies moved Landers Homestead Valley Association President, Justin Merino, to act. He galvanized Landers’ board and soon other community groups to call on CalTrans to make improvements.

This week, CalTrans reached out to Merino to tell him his persistence paid off. The safety measures include installation of 150 new passing-related signs between Yucca Valley and Lucerne, installation of speed feedback devices, and new passing restrictions on two critical road segments. Merino said he encourages everyone to adhere to the new signage and passing restrictions to make the highway safer for everyone.

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