Last day to register for California Desert Summit

Image Credit: WIkipedia

The California Desert Coalition is holding a California Desert Summit in Joshua Tree on Saturday, September 30.

The California Desert Summit is organized by the California Desert Coalition (CDC) and sponsored by the Rose Foundation and the Morongo Basin Conservation Association ( The Summit is designed to introduce the Morongo Basin to the current scientific and state planning that affects our communities and environment.

The keynote speaker is Kristeen Penrod, an expert on wildlife corridors and landscape connectivity; Robin Kobaly, desert botanist and plant ecologist with expertise on the Southwest Desert; and Dr. Tim Krantz, an environmental planner on the frontlines of CEQA/NEPA and former planning commissioner.

The Summit will be held at the Bell Center, Copper Mountain College, and online on Saturday, September 30, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

More information available here.

RSVP AT [email protected] by September 22nd.

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Hilary Sloane
After a long successful career as a Photostylist and producer in New York and Los Angeles, Hilary Sloane moved to the Morongo Basin and began a new career as a journalist and documentary photographer, getting a journalism certification from Michigan State. Hilary is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) and has documented the work of local and International non-profits. She has a podcast on Sound Cloud and is looking forward to adding more. Her favorite pastime is watching the wildlife around her home, traveling, and meeting new people.