California Cannabis Tax revenue tops 1 Billion dollars in 2022

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) reported the state’s total cannabis tax revenue for the 2022 is just shy of 1.1 billion dollars. 375 million of that revenue is from sales tax alone. 

Since January 2018, total cannabis tax revenue in California is $4.6 billion dollars. 

These figures don’t include locally imposed taxes collected by cities and counties.

The County of San Bernardino prohibits all commercial cannabis activity – and sits with 56% of cities and counties in California that prohibit all cannabis businesses.  

Just down the hill in neighboring riverside county – taxable marijuana sales came in just shy of 420 million dollars in 2022 according to the CDTFA.

The CDTFA administers California’s sales and taxes for cannabis, amongst various other taxes and fees that are used to fund state programs.They say that CDTFA-administered programs accounted for more than $91 billion in revenue last year, and that these support essential local services such as transportation, public safety and health, libraries, schools, social services, and natural resource management programs through the distribution of tax dollars going directly to local communities.

Link to CDTFA’s Cannabis reports by county:

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.