Arts & Entertainment

BoxoPROJECTS will host an Artist Talk featuring Artist-in-Residence Eshan Rafi on Sunday, March 10

BoxoHOUSE artist-in-residence Eshan Rafi, as a part of Desert R&D, a weekend of panel discussions, workshops and artist studio visits, will hold an Artist Talk at BoxoPROJECTS on Sunday, March 10 at 10AM at their gallery at 62732 Sullivan Road in Joshua Tree.

The artist, a mixed media meister whose artistry includes Photography, Performance, Video and Installation Art works, will share their artistic approaches of working with communities, including most recently documenting sites in Lahore, Pakistan based on their father’s stories and a performance project drawing parallels between political action and art making.

Complimentary tickets as well as seats for the other events during the Desert r&d weekend is available at this link:

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Charlie Thomas is a local theatrical director, actor, producer, stage designer and playwright with over thirty-five years’ experience in both professional and non-professional live theatre, film, television, and radio. His pedigree includes most of the…

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