Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency meets tonight (8/8)

At tonight’s (August 8) 6 p.m. meeting of the Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency’s directors, the board is expected to authorize funds for the meter replacement program, and set the appropriation limit among other items.

In addition to a workshop on placing liens on properties associated with seriously delinquent accounts, directors are expected to authorize $83,000 for replacement water meters, set the appropriation limit for fiscal 2023-24 at $233,000, and address some issues specific to some individual properties.

The public may attend in person at the agency’s board meeting office under the old water tower on Cherokee Trail in Landers.

To participate remotely click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: 512861

or use the Zoom teleconference line by dialing 669-900-6833

Webinar ID: 823 9806 3071

Passcode: 512861

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