Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency meeting tonight, Feb. 14

There are at least two reasons water users in Landers and Flamingo Heights may want to check into tonight’s 6 p.m. meeting of the Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency’s Board of Directors.

Following a public hearing and likely board vote on increasing the charges for installation of new service lines, directors will authorize implementation of an $11 million grant from the State Water Resources Control Board. The funds will pay for linking the Goat Mountain and Bighorn-Desert View systems. The plan will realize a long-time goal of the district by creating a number of efficiencies and securing long-term groundwater sustainability.

The public is invited to attend in person at the agency’s board meeting office under the old water tower on Cherokee Trail in Landers. Remote participation is also an option.

Participate online:

Passcode: 469415

Or use the Zoom teleconference line at 1-669-900-6833

Webinar ID: 867 6280 9027 Passcode: 415469

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