Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency meeting tonight (7/11)

At tonight’s (July 11, 2023) 6 p.m. meeting of the Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency’s directors, the board will hold two important public hearings and related votes.

Tonight’s first public hearing is to hear comments on the agency’s plan to place property tax liens on 77 “excessively delinquent accounts” or those owing greater than $300 as of this past February. The second public hearing concerns the agency’s establishment of stand-by and availability fees for 2023 water services in the Goat Mountain Improvement District. Each year, such assessments are charged to the owners of undeveloped properties as their “fair share” of maintaining the water system until the owner wishes to occupy the property.

The public may attend in person at the agency’s board meeting office under the old water tower on Cherokee Trail in Landers. Remote participation is also an option. See this story at for instructions and links.

To participate remotely click the link below to join the webinar:

Passcode: 462983

or use the Zoom teleconference line by dialing 669-900-6833

Webinar ID: 849 6314 4607    Passcode: 462983

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