Big Morongo Canyon Preserve highlights achievements and goals for 2024

After a turbulent year of damage incurred from two major storms, Morongo Valley’s Big Morongo Canyon Preserve has recently counted its blessings while setting goals for 2024.

As clean-up efforts continue, Preserve Director Kevin Wong lists ten major moves forward in a newsletter sent to supporters. Among these achievements, Wong notes recruitment of new personnel, including Preserve Host John Springer and Education Ranger Kaeliegh Watson; outdoor and science education to over 551 elementary students and adults in their new Natural Science Education Center built from a Conservation Lands Foundation grant; relationships built with the Native American Land Conservancy and San Bernardino County through a Memorandum of Understanding, providing funding, workers comp for volunteers, and access to county maintenance teams.

Most notable was the massive clean-up effort from Tropical Storm Hilary where volunteer team rallied and worked tirelessly to reopen trails, cut downed timber, shovel mud, and make repairs where possible. Wong says the County of San Bernardino will now take the lead for remaining clean-up and repair.

For the Preserve’s 2024 goals, Wong looks forward to replacing old signage with interpretive ones to give educational information on wildlife, geology, climate resiliency, and visitor safety; new displays at the Kiosk along with updated visitor information; a revitalized partnership with the Bureau of Land Management; and a new website.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.