Basic Auto Care Workshop preps you for safer desert driving in Joshua Tree – Saturday Jan. 28


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At Sarah Lyon’s auto care class – her focus is on the basics. That’s because she likes teaching to beginners…

“Personally that’s my favorite thing to teach – the most basic stuff because its empowering to learn and it’s just so fulfilling when people look like a light bulb goes off – and its like ‘oh it’s not rocket science!'”

Basic Auto Care 101 is a 3 hour hands-on workshop where you’ll get plenty of opportunities for those lightbulb moments as you use your own car to get familiar with the basics of maintaining it. You’ll learn how to change a flat tire, check your fluids, as well as some desert-ready essentials like what to do when your car gets stuck in the sand. Important stuff for people like Crystal Kennedy, who took the class earlier this month –

“I have relatively no auto experience… what drew me out here is because I live in the desert and I want to know some stuff”

Instructor Sarah Lyon is the person to teach you that stuff. The Louisville native found mechanics and art coming together at an early age…

Sarah Lyon (left) teaches anyone the basics of automobile driving and maintenance.

Sarah Lyon: “I started out working on motorcycles when I was 18 because I did cross-country motorcycle trips photographing women mechanics all around the country, and then eventually I realized that’s what I want to be doing, working on car.”

Alongside working on cars, Sarah Lyon is also an artist – she wrote and illustrated an automobile basics handbook that’s also available at the workshop. The class is also supported by the San Bernardino County Arts Council, and takes place in the converted old Firehouse community space in North JT.

Sarah says that the relaxed atmosphere that the class provides can help reduce the anxiety that some might experience when learning about your car – and the workshop provides lots of time and space for hands-on demonstrations and Q&A.

Sarah: “I love showing by example how to do things because then they’re like.. oh! I can totally do that!”

The Basic Auto Care 101 class will take place at the old Firehouse in Joshua Tree tomorrow from 10 AM to 1PM, and the cost is $25.

To sign up you can email Sarah at [email protected] to reserve your spot.

Sarah Lyon on Instagram

About Sarah Lyon:

Artist, freelance photographer and ASE Certified auto mechanic, Sarah Lyon has had a passion for understanding how things work from a young age. Her creative endeavors include several solo cross-country motorcycle trips documenting women mechanics working in their shops, and creating a cast bronze sculpture out of her old motorcycle boots. Since 2016 she has been teaching her Basic Auto Care Clinics at the Feminist Center for Creative Work in Los Angeles, and at The Firehouse in Joshua Tree, CA. In 2019 Co-Conspirator Press published Sarah’s illustrated manual, Maintenance Required: Basic Auto Care Workbook and Resource Guide, which will be available at the workshop.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.