After a long successful career as a Photostylist and producer in New York and Los Angeles, Hilary Sloane moved to the Morongo Basin and began a new career as a journalist and documentary photographer, getting a journalism certification from Michigan…

The Artist Council Exhibition is looking for submissions

The 2023 Artist Council Exhibition (ACE), a juried event with monetary prizes and a sought-after Opening Reception, is open for submissions on Friday, January 13, at 4 p.m. The 2023 prestigious Artist Council Exhibition (ACE) at the Galen in Palm Desert will run from February 16 until March 19. The Opening Reception is on Friday, February 17. Artists interested in submitting to the juried show must be an Artist Council member and submit by January 13. For artists who may have difficulty…

Yucca Valley Town Council welcomes new Mayor Rick Dennison

At last night’s meeting (December 20) of the Yucca Valley Town Council, Rick Dennison was named as the new Yucca Valley Mayor. The Mayor’s first job was recommending Councilman Robert Lombardo as the new Mayor Pro Tem. The Council gratefully thanked the outgoing Mayor for his dedication and good work. Commissioners Mathew Thomas and James Henderson accepted their second term on the Yucca Valley Planning Commission and thanked Jim Schooler for his support during his term as Mayor. Councilman Jim…

Yucca Valley Town Council meeting agenda – Mayoral transition and appointments

At tonight's meeting, Mayor Jim Schooler will appoint Mathew Thomas as a Planning Commissioner. Mayor Pro Tem Rick Denison will appoint James Henderson as a Planning Commissioner. Council Member Merl Abel will appoint Gerard Noonan for a 4-year term as a Planning Commissioner. Mayor Schooler will re-affirm Jeff Brady for another term as a Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Commissioner, and Council Member Merl Abel will re-affirm Matthew Rauch for another term as a Parks, Recreation, and…

Firefighters Wanted: Wildfire Academy at CMC offers 8-week certification

Listen here: "There are plenty of jobs out there. You have to be willing to make a short-term sacrifice for a long-term goal," said Chief James Brakebill. The complexities of firefighting and how the need for well-trained firefighters is driving new educational programs, degrees, and job placement is what motived the Chief to develop this program with Chief Tracy Rickman, the Fire Technology coordinator who helped shape Rio Hondo College Fire Academy. Firefighters at one time were…

“Coffee With a Cop” gives the public a casual forum with law enforcement

The Yucca Valley Starbucks has a good relationship with local law enforcement, so inviting the community to a “Coffee with a Cop” morning event seemed natural. Reporter Hilary Sloane was at last Friday’s (December 9) gathering at the Yucca Valley Starbucks and will tell you more about itDeputy Josh Merrill of the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department, the newest school resource officer in 29 Palms, is passionate about creating connections. Deputy Merrill has been thinking of ways for Officers and…

Yucca Valley’s Essig Park slated for improvements, public’s input wanted on dog park

Essig Park, the public park in Yucca Valley located near Black Rock is on the mind of the Town’s Staff, who is requesting input from residents on what would improve the park. Essig Park is a lovely little refuge for residents and dogs at 8300 Warren Vista Ave. It has picnic tables, barbecue grills, playgrounds for older and younger children, and fenced-in areas for dogs. With the funding from Measure K, the Town is looking to upgrade the park. Town staff has sent out a questionnaire which you…

Yucca Valley Town Council meeting recap – Public Facility Development Fee Structure and other town business

At last night's Yucca Valley Town Council meeting, the Council received a donation, considered the Public Facility Development Impact Fee structure, and reviewed and filed the San Bernardino County Transit Authority Council of Governments Housing Trust Update. The Yucca Valley Town Council meeting opened with the current Yucca Valley Nature Museum Program Supervisor, Stephanie Ritter introducing new employee, Celeste Hildebrand, who will replace Ritter in the new year. The Yucca Valley Town…

Yucca Valley Town Council Agenda for tonight’s (12/6) meeting

The Yucca Valley Town Council will meet tonight to receive a donation, consider the Public Facility Development Impact Fee structure, and review and file the San Bernardino County Transit Authority Council of Governments Housing Trust Update. The Yucca Valley Town Council will receive a donation from Ms. Kristen Mery for $7,500 to provide funding for the Youth Basketball Program in memory of Barry Alan Absec. Also scheduled for tonight’s meeting is considering the Public Facility Development…

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission Land Development – New Chipotle, Short Term Rentals transfers

The Yucca Valley Planning Commission met in a short and concise meeting last night. At the Planning Commission meeting, the Town Staff updated the Commissioners on the current Land Development Report. Chipotle is mailing their technical reports - traffic, air quality, fire, and geotechnical. There is a new glamping project southeast of the intersection of 247 and Buena Vista and a permit application for improvements for the Travel Lodge. Short-term, Vacation rental regulations were amended at…