Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.

Friends of Big Morongo Canyon hold annual meeting tonight in Covington Park

Friends of Big Morongo Canyon Preserve will conduct their Annual Community Meeting at 6PM tonight in Covington Park’s multipurpose room. There will be a presentation on the services Friends of Big Morongo Canyon provide to the Preserve and ways the public can support their mission. The Friends group will then discuss their participation opposing the proposed 192' communication tower in Morongo Valley. Other discussion topics include the reconstruction of the storm-damaged boardwalk, the…

Free screening of the mysterious Mojave Phone Booth film tonight at Copper Mountain College

Copper Mountain College continues Mojave Month, a four-week celebration of the desert ecology, history, culture, music, film, literature – and more – of our Mojave Desert home. Tonight CMC is hosting a special screening of director John Putch’s 2006 film Mojave Phone Booth. The storyline of Putch’s debut feature film revolves around the legendary phone booth in the Mojave Desert that was eventually removed by National Park Service personnel at the Mojave National Preserve. The phone booth,…

California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick comes to Copper Mountain College tonight at 6PM

Editor's note: I failed to put this online until 5PM today. This story was reported on the radio at our regular times, but this article was late online due to a mistake on my part. Thanks to reporter Gabriel Hart for reporting this story, and I regret the error. -Online News Editor Robert Haydon California Poet Laureate Lee Herrick is coming to Bell Center at Copper Mountain College this Friday at 6PM for a presentation, reading, and community-inclusive conversation mediated by Mojave…

Mil-Tree hosts 3-day songwriter workshop with Tim Easton starting Friday (9/27)

Our local veteran outreach organization Mil-Tree will be holding a three-day Songwriter Workshop with singer-songwriter Tim Easton this Friday, Saturday, and concluding with a final collaborative performance on Sunday, all at the Joshua Tree Retreat Center’s Noble Hall. This workshop is open to vets and all community members with no experience necessary. This is a three-day event and participant’s attendance will be required all three days. Each day of the event will bring…