Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.

Standing room only at Morongo Valley CSD meeting, calls for resignations continue

The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board held its regular meeting at Covington Park’s multi-purpose room last night (3/16) at 6pm. Covington Park’s multi-purpose room overflowed to standing room only last night, with over 100 Morongo Valley residents in attendance; a large contingent wearing t-shirts with the phrase “Resign Now” directed at the newest three board members who have sparked distrust, making recent meetings particularly embattled. For full transparency, Board members…

Local Author Michael G. Vail facilitates free writing class for CMC’s “Howl” Workshop Friday, Mar. 17

Michael G. Vail Local author Michael G. Vail will be leading the HOWL writing workshop this Friday on the CMC campus in room 101 from 2 to 4 pm. Vail is the author of The Salvation of San Juan Cajon, a novel about the desperate struggle to construct a new high school in a poverty-stricken urban community, and High Desert Elegy, a collection of stories and poems. His writing has appeared in several literary anthologies, including Cholla Needles and HOWL. Vail’s workshop’s purpose is threefold: to…

Miss Yucca Valley and her ‘Court’ grace MUSD meeting

The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees held their regular meeting at Joshua Tree Elementary on March 14 at at 5pm to accommodate a work study session to review the Second Term Financial Report, followed by closed session. Reconvening for open session at 6pm, Miss Yucca Valley Ruth Kanuch of Yucca Valley High introduced herself and her “court;” 1st Princess Peyton Chandler, 2nd Princess Samantha Garcia, and 3rd Princess Mariam Hussain, before they led the meeting’s Pledge of…

Morongo Valley Community Services District Board meeting agenda for Mar. 15

The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board will be holding their regular meeting tonight, March 15, in Covington Park’s multi-purpose room, as well as online on Zoom, at 6pm. Tonight, the MVCSD Board will discuss and approve presenting Fire Chief Brakebill with a proclamation recognizing his accomplishments related to his duties as Fire Chief. Other action items include: discussing past legal expenses incurred by the MVCSD; a public review of engagement letter for BB&K, who members…

MUSD Board of Trustees regular meeting tonight, Mar. 14

The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees will be holding their regular meeting tonight, March 14th, at Joshua Tree Elementary at 5pm, with a special joint meeting with Copper Mountain College at 4pm For tonight’s MUSD regular meeting agenda at 5pm, action items include: a request to certify that the MUSD can meet its financial obligations for the current fiscal year 2022-2023, and subsequent two fiscal years as outlined in the Second Interim Budget Report and authorize the President…

Local author Renee Pickup leads HOWL writing workshop at CMC Friday, Mar. 10

Local author Renee Pickup will be leading the HOWL writing workshop this Friday on the CMC campus in room 101 from 2 to 4pm. Renee Pickup is a Marine Corps vet and writer/editor of both crime fiction and true crime. She’s the co-author of the novel Black Sails, Disco Inferno with Andrez Bergen, and her short fiction has been published widely. Renee hosts the weekly Mil-Tree writers’ group and discusses cults on her livestream The Cult Bar. Renee’s lesson plan for the workshop will focus on what…

Flying Doctors provided free medical, dental and glasses to Morongo Basin residents

The non-profit health clinic Flying Doctors transformed Copper Mountain College’s parking lot and gymnasium into a massive free health clinic where crowds of community members turned up to be taken care of. In cooperation with Healing California, and the Morongo Basin Health District, the Flying Doctors provided free dental, vision, blood pressure and vitals; plus showers, and a food/blood/and clothing bank to our community members in need. Flying Doctors Southern California Chapter Vice…

“Flying Doctors” free medical clinic returns to the Morongo Basin this weekend

The Los Medicos Voladores, also known as The Flying Doctors, will be returning to the Morongo Basin for a free health clinic on March 4th. At this week’s MUSD board meeting, Jeff Grabow, Vice President of the Southern California chapter of the non-profit Flying Doctors, announced their largest free clinic to date in the Morongo Basin, to take place at Copper Mountain College on March 4th, sponsored by the Morongo Basin Health Care District with strong support by Local Veterans of Foreign Wars.…

Local author Susan Rukeyser facilitates free writing workshop for CMC’s “HOWL” this Friday, Mar. 3

Local author Susan Rukeyser will be leading the HOWL writing workshop this Friday, March 3rd on the CMC campus in room 101 from 2 to 4pm. Rukeyser is the author of the novel Not on Fire, Only Dying, her upcoming novel The Worst Kind of Girl, and is the host of local reading series Desert Split Open Mic. Local Author Susan Rukeyser Rukeyser will discuss how her work has evolved since hosting the Desert Split Open Mic, becoming bolder in both subject matter and delivery. She says, “I know how easy…

MUSD board recognize Yucca Valley HS Coaches and Black Rock Continuation School

Last night’s MUSD meeting began on a somber note, when a moment of silence was requested to honor the recent passing of Twentynine Palms math teacher Nolan D. Lockwood on December 31st, as well as Joshua Tree Elementary Special Ed teacher and local novelist David Maresh, who passed away on February 8th after a long struggle with Parkinson's. Yucca Valley coaches Jess Geeson and Michael Myers were awarded with Certificates of Appreciation, accompanied by their student athletes representing…