Local News

Arthur Davies jury trial delayed another week

The jury trial of Accused child-murderer Arthur Davies’ was scheduled to start today after a series of delays has kept the case suspended in the courts for nearly 5 years. 

Arthur Davies was arrested in 2018 for investigation into the murder of his then-girlfriend’s one-year-old son. Since then, there have been numerous pre-trials and continuations, including what was supposed to be a final delay until the start of the jury trial today- May 22nd.

Before this most recent continuance, the trial was delayed due to Davies’ defense attorney Zulu Ali making a sufficient showing for their need of a court expert – a search that has been ongoing since September of last year.

At the hearing where the last delay was pushed, Judge Pallone stated that he’s aware of the length of time this case has been in the San Bernardino Courts, and he is concerned that without allowing the defense to produce an expert, that the case would be in jeopardy of having to be tried again. 

A new trial date has been set for Tuesday, May 30th and we’ll be reporting on this long developing case.

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Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media. Over the years, he has worked in television news, documentary film, and advertising and marketing.…

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