640 acre Flamingo Heights glamping project appeal on the agenda for Town Meeting tonight (8/31)

In March, the County Planning Commission “denied without prejudice” an application for a conditional use permit by an L.A. developer with a vision of creating a 25-acre glamping development on 640 acres in Flamingo Heights.

Leading up to that denial, the controversial project was the focus of intense public criticism much of it organized by a local group calling itself Save Our Deserts. Following a brief dormancy, Save Our Deserts springs back into action tonight (August 31, 2023) with a town hall meeting called in response to the developer’s appeal of that Planning Commission denial.

Bringing everyone up to date is one of the main purposes of tonight’s meeting. According to a statement at SaveOurDeserts.org, the 6 p.m. town hall meeting at the Flamingo Heights Community Association on Perris Street off State Route 247, has been called in response to “significant community concerns” in connection with the glamping developer’s newly revised proposal.

After a status report on the planned 75-unit development and the appeals process, the Glamping Taskforce wants to hear from the community and use that input to map out the road ahead.

You can tonight’s agenda at SaveOurDeserts.org

Direct link to Agenda (PDF)

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